Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. It has been a long time since I updated this blog. There is always it seems something more important to do.

Make your New Year a healthy one by taking up an activity. Don't tell me you have no time. This is an age old excuse. We all have busy schedules with family, work and whatever else. We all only have 24 hours in a day. You cannot do any of the following with time

  • Rent
  • Buy
  • Sell
  • Barter
  • Loan
You have to be clever and conscious of what or how you will use your time. Normally a person's day is full of activities which one cannot avoid. Switch off the television, switch off the internet and you will probably gain at least 4 hours per day of time. In these 4 hours use them for something which will improve both your physical and mental health.

Go for a walk, a cycle, swim or a run whatever tickles your fancy. You do it at your pace. This is not a race. It is a time to relax and enjoy. When I do an activity and I notice I am having difficulties or feel unmotivated I use a mantra "Relax and Enjoy" or "1 2 1 2". You invent your own mantra. It must be short and you use as often as possible.

There is a magic about fresh air. Make this year magic by stopping making excuses and get out there. If you have a work meeting, make it a walking meeting. You will probably achieve more in the fresh air than in a stale air of a meeting room. Ideas come from a well oxygenated brain.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Walking - Ireland - Dublin & Wicklow Mountains

This was taken in the very beautiful Dublin & Wicklow mountains. There are quite close to the city. In the background is a beautiful river whose water is sort of reddish from the soil which is bogland type.

These mountains are a beautiful place to go walking as they are among the most beautiful in the world.

If you like walking, this area is one you must consider.

Walk - Starting

Now you have decided that it may be a good idea to start walking. Heres how you start.

Put on the appropriate clothes depending on the season. Make sure they are comfortable and loose. It is better to choose special clothes that do not hold sweat. Most modern sports tops will allow you to keep relatively dry even when sweating or at least not have that cold sensation you would have with cotton clothes.

Shoes & Socks
Shoes and socks are the next most important thing. Buy a good pair of shoes. They do not have to be expensive but ask a specialist. There are many shops where you will be well advised. If you feel the sales person knows what they are talking about then you are in the right place. I tend to buy a few pairs at a time as I go through them quickly. There are times of the year when you can get real bargains. The end of summer is one time. Socks should also be comfortable. Don't just use any old pair. Get advise. I like X-Socks ( and they are guaranteed two years. I have had good experience with them and when I had a problem they were immediately replaced a year later.

Other things
  • Water bottle
  • Small healthy snack
  • Small face towel
  • Whistle
  • Lamp
  • Luminous jacket
  • Whatever else you may deem necessary

NOW hey you, GET out that door and start walking.

1st Walk
Walk a distance of say 1 km at a pace were you can talk. Don't go too fast. Pick a route that would be interesting from you point of view. Always let somebody know what you route is just in case something happened to you.

Precautions to take
If you walk on the road make sure to walk against the traffic. That way you can see what is happening and always make sure to wear clothes that make you highly visible even during the day. It is preferable that you take walk ways which do not have traffic.

Make sure you know where you are going and roughly how long it should take you. If you know the area it is always better especially when you are beginning.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Walk – Getting Started

You have never really walked for before. The thought of having to walk to the shops for bread or a message is something you would avoid. You prefer to jump into your car and drive there.

You have all the excuses
  • Too far
  • Too long
  • Too tired
STOP making excuses. You CAN make time. STOP watching useless television programs. Get up and get out. You WILL feel better.


Walking is one of the best and cheapest ways to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Ten years ago you could not have gotten me out the door to walk except to the car or just around the corner. I don't know why as I was a sport person throughout my life having played Gaelic football, hurling, handball the Irish one, soccer, basket ball, tennis, squash, volley ball, athletics and any other sport.

It started when I was going through a rough period and I decided that the fresh air would clear my mind. I felt so great after my walk that I decided to walk as often as I could. A passion was born. If it had not been for that rough period I may never have discover it.

Walking is a cheap sport or activity. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and in almost any weather. You only need a pair of good walking or running shoes, good socks, shorts and a top. The type of clothes you wear will vary from season to season. A poncho is always useful in wet weather. I will talk about the different walks and try and make this interesting to you, the readers